design principles [ᴅᴇꜱᴇᴇꜱᴇᴅ]

i don’t enjoy art for the ethereal or fantastic scenes & beings that can be dreamt up. i look to and create & consume art as context for life itself. art copes with my state of enjoyment, it’s my state of emotion, and my overall state of mind. through these i understand & have the ability to fill my multifaceted needs for creative consumption with other artist’s pieces of media — often falling in love — & heavily influenced by the affection. once i find my footing, coming down from the almost obsessive admiration of someone else’s work, i’ll often realize i’ve been wading knee deep in their artistic language whole time, picking up on bits and pieces to add to my vocabulary — here is deseesed’s design language; i’ll call my design principles slang terms:


://used in my work as the reiteration of a usually obvious idea, i think of replication as an almost desperate attempt for the viewer to take notice of details that could often be missed within that bigger picture/strength-in-numbers

